A quien corresponda.
La siguiente actividad es una sugerencia del profesor de Inglés Juan Enrique Cabrales Sanchez a fin de mejorar nuestra habilidad para escribir.
Todo lo aqui escrito no es perfecto pero me ayudó a darme cuenta que el estilo de escribir en inglés no es el mismo en español.
...writing a new entry.
I am going to talk about my mom, she has been helping me with all my duties, when I wake up in the morning, she always asks me if I want a cup of coffee, of course I always say yes, then she goes to the kitchen and gives me my coffee as fast as she can.
When I am putting my make up, I do not know why I do this if there is no difference, anyway... my mom irons my clothes, she is incredible! but let me tell you that while she is doing all those things, she talks, and talks, and talks, and talks, and... she never stops!! sometimes I feel sick because of that, but I never say a word, and sometimes it helps me because when I am worried, listening to her is what makes me forget all my problems.
She always makes me laugh, she is more energetic than me!! she likes dancing, singing and running, she runs faster than me.
I do not have any picture of her, but she is a fotographer. At home, we have a lot of pictures, but none of her, she says she is ugly, and nobody can change her point of view.
This are some pictures she took...
We hardly ever huge each other or say I love you, but I would like to tell her so. Some of these days I will.
Dear Sir or Madam:
On July 16 my friends and I arrived at your inn hopping to spend an enjoyable weekend. Unfortunately, because of your poor service, our weekend was a disaster. Since your ad says "have a fabulous time or get your money back," I am requesting that you refund our money.
From the moment we arrived, there were problems with the service. First, a very unfriendly desk clerk couldn't find our reservation. After waiting almost half an hour, we were led by another unfriendly clerk to our room, The room, which had a vew of a parking lot instead of the bay, had not yet been cleaned, so we found dirty towels on the beds and cigarette butts inthe ashtrays. Despite this problems, none of your employees apologized to us. This was not the weekend we had been looking foward to.
Service at your inn was not always like this. My previous visits were always enjoyable because of the courteous service and clean rooms with beautiful views. Until things change at your inn, I will never recommend it to anyone. I expect to receive my refund shortly.
Sincerely yours,
Dale Thomas.
This is a letter of complain the teacher Cabrales requested us.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Last weekend my girlfriend and I arrived at your popular cafeteria looking ofr a very nice time to spend together. The moto in your window reads: "Where your friends are as special as you are". Unfortunately, the service that day did not reflect those words.
As soon as we arrived there we had the chance to sit at a table and we waited for almost half an hour for a waiter to help us. There were not too many people for this to happen, but I have to point out that the music was good because Kesía was playing her keyboard and this helped us to be patient. However, when we were finally serviced the waiter spilled a cup of coffe over my brown new jacket. It costed me $15 to have it clean.
My jacket does not look that good anymore. I had never had an experience such these anywhere. I hope you can understand my complain because I want you to refund the money for another brown new jacket.
Sicerely yours,
Kesía Jael.
1.- They turned down Bowerman's idea because it was something known for them and no one wants to spent time working on a new idea, that hthey do not even know if it is going to be a sucess or not.
2.- Maybe because the proffesor thought the project needed to be improved and he was not convinced of it at all.
3.- I think the idea that provoqued more imitations was the NIKE athelic shoes, that is what I have noticed.
4.- Yes, I do. There should be a car with tires to turn all around, so when you want parking, just stand by the sidewalk and your car will move easily to the right.
Lucy Gomez is the most creative person I know. She started piano lessons whe she was only 16 years old. At school, she was always creating interesting projects in her art class. When she was only 12 years old, she won a citywide poetry contest. Her parents were very proud of her.
Now Lucy works as a sitcom writer for a popular TV show. She works with a group of writers, and together they have to think of fresh ideas. they also have to come up with funny dialog for the actors on their show because the actors have to play believable characters that will make the audience laugh. It is not an easy job, but Lucy does it well.
She starts work late in the morning and often works until 7 or 8 at night.
Lucy is very curious. She likes to travel and meet new people who have opinions that are different from hers. She often carries a notebook with her and writes down what she sees and hears. Lucy tells me that these new experiences are a good source of ideas for her work. I always enjoy talking to her and am happy to know someone as Lucy.
Hello, I hope you are ok. Let me tell you I feel tired; I don't feel like writing about me right now, so, I'm going to talk about my city; Altamira.
It's big and boring. But it has a beautiful beach, I mean it's lonely, you can't really rest in Madero's beach, right? unless you make a reservation in a hotel; well... in Altamira's beach you can lay down on the sand... all naked! and nobody will see you! you can find see shells (things you can't find in Madero's beach nowadays), and a turtle farm.
So, if you don't have enough money to pay a hotel reservation and want to relax yourself, come to Altamira.
PS: Don't bring your bathing suit. My weekend was mmmh... entertaining, I think, but I spent most of the time reading about U.S.A. I mean... that is my homework, but I discovered a lot of interesting things, for example, I met the person who abolished the slavery, he was Abraham L... and... several more things.
My personal life is going ok, I guess, I won't say names, but a person who I love very much, called me to say awful things, that made me feel so bad and sad, it happened on saturday, and the worst thing is that he works at the UAT!!! so, I have to see him a lot there, that's why I try no to get out of my classroom, but when I want to go the restroom I'm in trouble, there is when I've seen him and he doesn't say anything to me, no "hello", neither "good bye", I'd like to show a picture but then you will ask me why that happened or when, and I swear: you cannot imagen who I'm talking about!!!
Anyway... I friend who helped me to assimilate this is Naru, she told me what to do, and what I'm goin' to do is to ignore him. Even though, I have a lot of things to do, at work, at school, at home, etc, I don't stop to feel sad because of this. I only hope time goes fast.
In general, "Antros" are taking a high place in my city. Young people enjoy going to dance clubs with friends several nights a week. It is an urgency for them to meet new people. At the age of 19, more or less, they are full of energy and they want to get the world in their hands without knowing the consecuences: kidnaping, drugs, alcohol, etc. Another problem is that dance clubs makes parents and children to grow apart, people of 19 or 20 go to these places several nights a week, like if it were the only way to have fun, while parents let them go to give them more "freedom". In the long run, it provokes a growing distance among families.
It maight be attractive, but you must be ready to accept any consecuence of taking this risk.
Hello everybody!! Today I feel great and I do not know why, my classes at CELEX are going excellent!! my students and me are getin' along, and the air is very comfortable.
The week was full of energy, now imagen my weekend... I went to a party, on Saturday. But during the week, I spent my time doing homework, interesting homerwork, and I love that, I wasn't able to finish it at all, but most of it.Also, I was working on the pictures I took in Laguna del Carpintero with my friends.
Some of them were dark and I tried to make them clear, but I couldn't, as you can see.
This picture is very funny, and so are they, but the best moment was when we were eating, they were making jokes... well, they are making jokes all the time, I must say, and this is a big change for me, because I've always been at home with my mother, watching tv, until my friends invited me to hang around, as I told you the place is not that important, the point is to have fun. I enjoy being with them a lot.
I do not have pictures of the party I went to, because my mother forgot the camera!!! I felt I was going to cry, I wore my best clothes, and now, I do not have any prove!!!! anyway... I was forgetting the accident I had!! When I got to the ball room I spilt my drink over my dress! but I mean... all over my dress!!!! I was going to cry again, I went to the restroom to wash it and dry it, then, we were eating and a woman I hadn't seen for years got to me to give me a hug, and her daughter spilt her soda!!!!! I was going to take her head off!!! I had to breath deeply and count to ten, no, to 100!!!In spite of those horrible experiences I spent the whole night dancing with every guy.
Here I am sending my 5th entry and let me tell you my last week was fabulous, I celebrated my 24th birthday, but this one was special because I've never celebrated any other of my birthdays, this is the first one.
Last Thursday, early in the morning I got to CELEX, left my stuff in the classroom and I needed to went out of it again to get the exams for my students, and when I opened the door I saw a girl with a ballon and a cake!!
It was delicious, I do not have pictures of it and none of my students either, but my cake was kind of this. At the end of the class, they were all at the cafeteria to eat all together, they brought 3 cakes.In the afternoon, I got to my classroom, and when my friends saw the cake, they said: Is it your birthday?!! Open the cake!! I shared it with Juan, Naru, George, Erick and Melanie. I had to hurry up to eat enough of it XDDDDDDDD.
One of the things I really liked was a ballon that a girl gave me, it was one of those that if you stop holding it, it goes to the sky, because it is filled with some kind of a special gas; I don't know how they are called, I think gas balloons. I liked it because I've never had one of those, ever in my life!!
Angelica gave me a chocolate and a bag of candies which I finished instantaneously.It was fantastic.
It is a city near the beach, which weather is warm and humid.
It has become into one of the most prosperous and attractive places in Tamaulipas for tourists due to its many advantages, such as, good weather, a great commercial activity, and the high quality of life it offers to its inhabitants, as well as, good restaurants, good hotel service and important stores.
It is full of history with a quiet beach near the city.
You should not miss Laguna del Carpintero, where you can walk in the open, take a ride in a boat with a guide giving an explanation about nature in that area, you also should visit the Cathedral, which was constructed at the end of the XIX century.
Another interesting place is the Grutas de Quintero, it exists a river underground where there are fish with no eyes!!
The prices to stay in a hotel are reasonables, for example, if you want to stay in San Antonio hotel you can get a room for $641.00, or if you prefer to stay near the beach you should go to Club Maeva, Miramar; where the price is $1,361.00 with everything included!!!
Come to Tampico and have a wonderful experience!!!
Ok, ok... I am going to say the truth, this is what I had to do from the beginning, I do not feel happy, and I am getting tired of giving an smile to everyone, I do not feel like sharing pictures with you because they are all lies, I am smiling in each one of them, but ok, here there is one.
I am working as a teacher and I have had some problems with myself, I have always feel insecure but I like my job, I rellay do!! I can see the faces of my students and I notice their desire of learning, so, one thing that makes feel better is that they can learn from me, but the problem is still there.
In summer, a close relative died, I could not say good bye to her because I was in the CELEX, I was not thinking, I guess, that made feel really bad, and I am still sad, the next day my boyfriend broke up with me and I did something stupid, I left my home, my mum got angry with me.
I am sufering right now, I must say, because I am not the kind of person who likes to talk about her life, but I cannot say lies anymore, well... just a little bit XDDDDDDDDDD...
I never talk with my mum, she is very strict, I know how she is going to react in any situation, that is why we do not talk to much.
The only person who knew about a problem I had was "Vakero", I did not want help from anybody, but he saw me, and he helped me and... mmm... I felt better, but I cannot still talk with someone to get some help, anyway... here is "Vakero", a very good friend.
I wish I could resolve my problem, but I do not know what exactly my problem is. But the important thing is that I'm still alive and kickin', and I will keep smiling!!
I hope you can have a nice week, see you!!
My week was really exhaustive, I felt so tired, but... during the weekend my tiredness disappeared. On Friday, I went to Sam's to buy some things because I was going to the beach next day, well I bought some pieces of bread, to prepare tortas, jiji... the most difficult thing in the world!!! jiji...
I went to Sam's with my sister, and she was looking at everything, we walked all around, so, I got tired more than usual and I had to be strong for the next day.
We had to left, but the problem was that I had to do "this" homework, and I had already made plans for the next two days, I was in troubles with no pictures to show you, so, I had a great idea I went to the restroom to take pictures, XDDDD.
At night, when I got home I just wanted to sleep, I collapsed on the sofa, but suddenly I remembered my homework, so I asked me brother to take this picture, and mmm... I liked it, What do you think? XDD.
On Saturday in the morning, I went to CELEX and it started to rain, I got wet, in the afternoon it was still raining!!! I had to stay at home, and gray days makes feel blue, I hate that, anyway... On sunday, the sun was shining, and one friend called me in the morning to tell me if I wanted to go to the beach, of course I accepted, the day was beautiful. We went there early in the morning, as you can imagen I still had more time to spend.
But, at 12:oo pm. I have to go to my meeting, in my religion, every Sunday, here I have some pictures. That is my sister and me, In this picture we are outside the Hall.
But at 2:00 o'clock I went to Tampico because some friends and me were going to meet at Charpenter's Lake (jiji) Laguna del Carpintero. I am very punctual, I was the first in get there, I waited for 30 minuts when Jorge arrived with his girlfriend, we waited for 20 more minuts.
And you know what? we took a lot of pictures but... right now I am starving, so, I will finish here and continue... mmm... later, bye
Cute, right? XDDDDDD, I do not have enough pictures to show you, but here there are some.
On vacation, I went to Valles with Carisa, my cousin, only for a few days, she went there to preach but not in spanish, she had to learn the native tongue: Ténec ( Huasteco).
ALSO cute right? XDDDDDDDD.
The place is beautiful but I really enjoyed the moments when the native people showed their curiosity for us of trying to learn their dialect, they died of laughing!! because our pronunciation was very poor, of course, anyway... now my cousin says: " I wouldn't trade the experience for anything, it was among the best decisions of my life" And she is referring to having accepted the challenge of learning a new dialect.
In countries around the world, a growing number of people are learning new tongues for a variety of reasons.
While young children can pick up two or more languages simultaneously, adults usually find learning a new tongue much more difficult. For one thing, they must be patient because learning a new language can take a long time. "Humility is essential," says my cousin, "When you are new to the language, you must be willing to speak like-and in some respects, be treated like-a child." So, what I can understand with this is that you have to shed some of your own self-importance and your worries about dignity if you really want to make progress. So do not take your self too seriously. If you never make mistakes, you are not using your new language enough. Do not worry if other laugh at your mistakes-instead, laugh along with them! In fact, the day will come when you will be telling entertaining stories about the things you have said.
Learnig a new language often means learning a new culture, it helps to be adaptable, to have an open mind. "Learning another language has helped me to realize that there is more than one way of looking at and doing things," says one of miy cousin's friends, Lili. "Reach out to make friends with people who speak the language, and enjoy being with them, when they see that you are interested in them, their food, music, and so on, they will naturally be drawn to you."

The more time you spend studying and even more so, using the language, including books, recordings, flash cards, and more. Even with all this products, however many people find that they learn best in a structured classroom atmosphere. Use whatever methods work well for you. Keep in mind, though, that there are not shortcuts around personal effort and perseverance. But there are ways to make learning easier and more fun. One is to increase your exposure to the language and culture.
"After mastering some of the basics and having at least a beginner's vocabulary," notes another friend, "ideally you might spend osme time in a land where you are surrounded by the language."
Another friend says: "Visiting the country allows you to absorb the flavor of the language. Most important, being immersed in the environment helps you to think in the new language."
So, is learning another language worth the effort? Definitely! Reflect for a moment. If you are a parent, how did you feel when hearing your child utter his first word? Or,perhaps you have gone to a foreign country and have been able to carry on a simple conversation in the language of the land. Did it make you happy? Surely it did!!
Well, after making all these efforts and gradually progressing to the point of being able to communicate with persons in their own language, you likewise will have a feeling of grate satisfaction.
Intro A/B
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